Thursday, March 15, 2012

God is so Faithful!

                                                           It's been a busy time in Marie's writing studio! I hope to finish my new novel by the end of 2012. But my big news today is the John Ramsey book is just out called THE OTHER SIDE OF SUFFERING.  I spent a year working on that book with him and I'm so happy to hear the responses. John was on "Good Morning America" yesterday and "The View" this morning. Tomorrow he'll be on "Inside Edition" and then  "Nightline" on ABC – March 14; "Anderson Cooper" March 16, "Inside Edition" airing March 16 and "CBA This Morning on March 17.  He'll be on Huckabee, Fox News Channel – March 17 & March 18; "Good Morning America Weekend," ABC – March 18; "Starting Point," CNN (formerly American Morning) – March 19, and "Celebration," on  Daystar – March 19, and Table Talk with Joni, "Daystar"  – March 19.

And you might want to pick up a copy of PEOPLE Magazine, March 14th when it's issued for a feature story on this amazing man.  It's truly an inspiring story and I hope you'll get a copy of the book.  When you do, let me hear from you.

I received an email today from a woman I prayed for who told me she & her husband thought they were $30,000 in debt to the IRS and it turned out to be $140,000. She said God intervened and completely wiped out the entire debt. She wrote to thank me for praying.   May I just shout a big old, "Praise the Lord"??

Keep an eye on my website because I'm coming to Chicagoland in April, and my itinerary includes  two all-day seminars in DesPlaines and I want to see YOU there!


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