Monday, July 16, 2012


The artist's reception for my exhibition of paintings was a wonderful experience. I felt so
-- well, so-- maybe "loved" is the word. I was amazed at the number of people who showed up and so encouraged by it all. (A couple of paintings actually sold!)
We rented a truck and brought in my big panel screens for the reception and thenbrought them back the next day because they could get damaged during the month since the show is in a country club with lots of activity.  The large oil painting here of horses charging is about life charging at us -- it's surreal in a way, yet not. I wanted to paint my purple horse which I wrote about in my book, "Angels in Our Lives," and this is how it turned out.
It's an amaing world we live in with all its colors and movement, brightness, and surprises-- I'm grateful every day. Like falling in love for the first time over and over again.


  1. I am so happy your show turned out to be a success but then I knew it would be! You are such a talent in so many ways and God has blessed me by your friendship. Wishing you a lovely day in the arms of Jesus

  2. PS Where is that fabulous charging purple horse?
