Wednesday, February 17, 2010

On the road

Working on a new book or a new painting is like stepping into another country.  In this way I'm always traveling to new countries. And now I guess you might say I'm on the road again.  I'm writing my third book of fiction.  (My second book, AN ORDINARY DAY IN HEAVEN, isn't out yet.  I confess I get a little anxious in this waiting period between the words "The End" and "Now in Bookstores."  So in the meantime, I work.)  And I appreciate the world around me.  (We must never miss an opportunity to appreciate the world around us, I always say.)  For example, today I was explaining to my granddaughter the Sacred Act of Eating.  She held back chuckles as I explained that eating is a Holy Event.  Every meal, holy and sacred.  The taste, texture, sight, sound, aroma, and sheer delight of food--  She munched her veggie burger and then chuckling openly, she said she'd never think of eating quite in the same way.  It's all about Being Present, I explain. She does not look at me as if I'm from another country.  She gets up from the table, comes over to me and gives me a big hug.  I'm back from the road.  I'm definitely home.


  1. Hi Marie
    Welcome home...I have my grandaughters visiting from Mn this week and the poor darlings have been sick with fever and cough. But I am trusting the Lord that when I get home tonight from the shop they will be smiling and feeling good! They are in for Kerri's 40th birthday party, it is a surprise. Can you believe I have 2 daughters in their 40s now! Marie where has the time gone...that is exactly why we live in the present and enjoy today. Thank you for that reminder.
    Love and blessings

  2. I work in public education. I deal with kids in crisis and adults in crisis every day. Maybe if we focused on Being Present, we would not be living from crisis to crisis but rather we would be living from joy to joy and blessing to blessing. What a paradigm shift!

  3. Hi! sorry but a don´t speak and write english. I read "Free to be thin" and I want to begin a group "victorius..." you now. Do you help me, with the program? Now I have a group with womens whitout husband and they wants begin a program. Thanks for you!!! God Blesss you. Gaby F.

  4. Hi Marie,
    I'm very interested in this concept of "Holy Eating" that you explained to your daughter. Do you develop that idea anywhere on your website or in any of your books?

